ELW535XG Scientific Calculator

516278 (865-ELW535XGWH)

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$42.49 /ea.
Net price: $42.49 /ea.
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1 x $42.49 /ea.
EHF* : $0.20 /ea.

Total: $42.69 /ea.
5 x $42.49 /ea.
EHF* : $0.20 /ea.

Total: $42.69 /ea.
* EHF can be applied based on shipping province.
Large 16-digit, 4-line LCD Display. WRITEVIEW™ Display. 422 functions. 3 modes: normal, stat, & drill. 8 temporary & 4 definable memory buttons. 1 & 2 variable statistics. Gloss black finish with white accents. Protective hard case. Twin powered (solar with battery backup).



344 in-stock*

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